Monday, January 30, 2006

When Push Comes to Love

These are of Olivia with her new friend Catie, a little girl Beni is watching a couple times a week. O insisted on pushing Catie around in her walker the entire morning. Because Olivia is such a dynamo, we often worry about how she’ll interact with other children. Much to our delight (and relief), Olivia shows her tenderhearted side around little ones. The second pic is of her consoling her newfound pal.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Walk Divine

These mugs are priceless! They make me laugh every time I look at them. The dispirited triumvirate bundled up for their recent trek around the block. Fortunately for my funny bone, the freezing cold preserved their expressions for several minutes after they got back.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Olivia starts every morning with the same request – she asks for a bowl of oatmeal. Her request is actually more of a proclamation: “Oh-me, oh-me!” She used to sit and eat on the floor while I caught up on a DVR-ed The Daily Show or Pardon the Interruption before work. Realizing that this arrangement was bad form on my part, I’ve since moved her to the kitchen. These days, Olivia reduces her cholesterol level from her highchair in absence of the idiot box.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Fair-y Trade

Olivia insisted on putting on her fairy costume this morning. In return, she helped me give Max his breakfast. Here she’s topping his food with fairy dust.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Beany Baby

There’s a theory that states that a child’s taste buds are shaped by the types of food her mother consumed during the pregnancy. That would certainly account for O’s affinity for bean burritos. These shots are from a recent Taco Bell run.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Fit Foods

The top pic shows Olivia practicing an angry version of yoga. Her temper tantrums usually end with her in the supine position. As you can see, she eventually picks herself up again, especially when propelled by the tantalizing allure of the powdered doughnut.