Sunday, October 29, 2006

Allhallows Eve’s Eve’s Eve

Our cow poking around for some treats at a Halloween gathering at our local zoo.

Flash in the Pancake

It’s great when you can see their little minds churning when they’re deep in thought. On this day, we observed Olivia contemplating just how to celebrate a Sunday brunch at home. We told her that we’d be eating pancakes, a pronouncement to which was met with pensive gaze. A second later, she was off her chair, atop her stool, and rifling through the kitchen drawer of random items. She grabbed a box of birthday candles and stuck one in each of our hot cakes. We were then commanded to sing “Happy Birthday.” To pancakes. And syrup too.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Nixed Fruit

This is one of those good intentions turned bad turned funny quote that we’ll never forget.

On this crisp, fall day, I decided to take Olivia to her first football game. The college that I went to and work at happened to be playing a home game against Grandma Randi’s alma mater. But for us, much of our attention was focused in the stands.

To commemorate Halloween and their inner dorkiness (I type that lovingly – I was an orchadork for many years), most of the pep band members played in costume. I pointed out one seated right below the press box, confident that Olivia would find him funny. I mean, really, what’s funnier than a banana playing the drums? I turned to her to see her reaction at the same time she’d turned to me with a look of sheer terror. I asked her what was wrong. She simply said, as she’s said over a hundred times since the incident, “I no like that b’ana.”

I suppose I could reach for the cheap puns – at this time we split or that she found the scene un-ap-peel-ing – but I’ll leave such mediocrity to all the entries that have proceeded this one. So we left the game early, but that was okay. We had to meet up with Beni to attend a birthday party for the son of one of her co-workers. After grabbing the present from the car and posing for the picture above, Olivia relayed to her mom that “I no like that b’ana.”

Friday, October 27, 2006

Bovine Inspiration

Our calf was exceedingly sweet while decked out in her Halloween duds. I think she realized that good behavior would result in candied riches. We kowtowed to Olivia and her insatiable desire for sugary sweets – our cow towed us to numerous downtown businesses that were passing out candy on this night.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hair Bawl

We’ve been trying to set the scene in Olivia’s mind for at least a week – we’d first watch Mommy get her haircut, and then it’d be Olivia’s turn. She seemed okay with that. We heard about the impending heh-cut for days. But five minutes into her mom’s appointment, our lil’ curly lost it. She cried for Beni to hold her and threw herself to the floor. At that point, our bribes flowed faster than her tears - burritos, M&Ms, suckers, you name it – because we weren’t going to leave the salon without the bagged remnants of her first haircut.

As you can see, Olivia eventually let the stylist trim her mane. She also requested a glamour shot before we headed out.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

This Functional Family

At least we hold it together for pictures.


It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, this one is certainly grand, but it can also be represented by the six letters above – think of the title as the vanity license plate version of the picture.

Gazebo Effect

While we know that Olivia’s temperament started to improve the instant she sat in the gazebo, we can’t be absolutely certain that this change occurred as a result of the location.

Last Straw

This last handful was, as they might say, the straw that broke the camel’s bag. Olivia insisted on overwhelming the stuffing capacity of what was to be the scarecrow’s head.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Notable Quotables/Remarkable Remarks

The curious things we heard Olivia say during the course of the week:

“I made farts.”

“I have too many cash.”

“I watch Dancing with the Stars with G.”

“I don’t like princesses, Daddy.”

I guess we shouldn't be surprised to hear such things since we're raising her to be a flatulent, opulent, and indolent little feminist.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Steering Down from the Barrel of Some Fun

Pumpkin patches sure have come a long way. Who knows what you’ll find at the modern-day orchards – besides pumpkins, of course. We certainly weren’t expecting a barrel train. What’s next? Hot apple cider and homemade doughnuts?

Cashed Cow

Olivia, perhaps overwhelmed by the family pumpkin selection process, had little energy left for the children’s section at the orchard. We had to leave shortly after this picture was taken.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Books Mart

Olivia Maren loves few things more than lollipops, episodes of Elmo’s World, and trips to the bookstore. Here’s an sighting that’s rarer than the ivory-billed wood – an idle and tranquil Olivia. We call these moments the calm before the storm.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Sucker for a Cute Face

We’re irresistibly attracted to the various looks she gives us over the course of a day.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Flower Child

Our blossoming toddler always stops to smell the flowers.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

In-School Suspension

Olivia and I walked to a nearby elementary school in search of some playground fun. On this occasion, she gave scant attention to the swings and the slides, and opted instead for the trapeze bar. She found the experience uplifting.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Running the Table

Olivia’s vim and vigor are seemingly undefeatable. She runs circles around – both literally and figuratively – her weary parents.

Stool Sampler

Our child carries her stool everywhere and insists on using it when dining.

Lap Tot

Olivia added a killer indie band to the music interest section of her MySpace page.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Caught with Her Hand in the Cookie Jar

We recently discovered Olivia’s clandestine efforts to fatten up our naturally thin dog.