Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Potty Train of Thought

Here’s how we got to this point: We thought that if we could – borrowing here one of those hokey business-speak terms – synergize potty training with something Olivia enjoys (i.e., painting with watercolors), we’d improve the odds of finding drops (or plops) in the bucket. To this day, these synergistic endeavors have produced nothing but beautiful artwork.

We are working with one headstrong child here. We know that she’s capable of going to the potty, but her iron will crushes our efforts in the cause. The maddening thing is that Olivia quite adept at the pre- and post-game show – situating herself on the potty and washing her hands – but she steadfastly refuses to participate in the halftime show. In the context of another metaphor, it’s as if she has nearly completed a paint-by-numbers piece, less all the 1s and 2s, of course.

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