Monday, June 16, 2008

The Magical World of Whimsy

Visiting our friend Dimple gives us the chance to dust off our big-city boots: we eat at delicious ethnic and vegetarian restaurants, sip drinks at quaint tea shops, use public transportation, walk the diverse neighborhoods, stay in a high-rise condo, and curse repeatedly while driving and trying to find a place to park. On this particular trip, Olivia accompanied us for the first half of the weekend before getting a lift back home with Aunt Liz, who was heading to our neck of the woods for a job interview. As a result, Beni and I were able to stay in the city until late on Sunday to attend what we both agree was one of the best concerts we’ve ever heard.

My only complaint about the show was that the band’s opening act—a folk singer inclined toward sullenness—failed to warm up the eager crowd in any way. Luckily for us, our day’s opening act was much more entertaining.

Olivia, a cruise director in training, made sure that the items on her agenda wouldn’t be diminished because of the limited time she’d have with us on the day. Before our pancake brunch and afternoon swim, she started us with a sprightly game of hide and seek in Dimple’s apartment. After a few rounds, it was her turn again to seek Beni, which led to the utterance of a comment that demonstrates the vast wonders of a young child’s imagination.

Having failed to locate her mother after a quick search of the usual hiding spots, Olivia turned toward an oil painting hanging in the living room, eyed it ever so carefully, and then earnestly half-whispered, “I think Mommy magicked into the picture.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great weekend Friends!