Monday, June 01, 2009

Let Seeking Dogs Cry

We’ve been trying our darnedest to sit as a family at the dining room table for meals, especially for dinner. We’ve found this what-should-be-simple act to be far from it. For starters, the baby naturally pulls our attention and fannies away from our places at the table. Add to that our hyperkinetic firstborn, and the result is scene resembling a circus and all its sideshows.

In those rare moments when we manage to gather around, we are treated to delicious and diverse dishes (props to Beni for her willingness and ability to prepare unchartered veggie fare), delightful company, and diverting conversation. Take, for instance, our discussion tonight about hunting dogs. Beni and I did our best to detail these dogs’ duties in a realistic yet age-sensitive way.

And here’s what Olivia had to say after our explanation:

"Maybe the dog could be sad a little because his friend the cow or friend the duck passed away."

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