Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Along for the (Bus) Ride

My officemates and I are on a flex schedule for half the year. For me, it means that I get a day off during the work weeks of December through February, as well as June through August. Today marked my last flex day for this three-month stretch, and fortunately for me it coincided with the day Olivia’s class was taking a field trip to our community’s performing-arts center for a production by a traveling children’s theater troupe. (I’m sure chaperoning this sort of thing beats chaperoning your kid’s high-school dance.)

The performance was great and all, but I have to say that highlight was situating 36 first-graders on the city bus that speedily transported us from and to school across our area’s many potholed streets. Many laws were undoubtedly broken—passenger capacity, speed limits, noise levels—but we all arrived back safely. (Except for Aaron. He might still be on the bus. If anyone has seen him, please let a teacher or a chaperone know. Thanks.)

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