Tuesday, November 13, 2007


The title character of Wallace’s Lists, a favorite book of Olivia’s, is a mouse whose life is structured around the various lists he keeps. He meets Albert, a free-spirited mouse who teaches Wallace to welcome life’s surprises not as diversions from a to-do list but rather as adventures. Olivia’s usually equal parts Albert and Wallace – she spontaneously jumps from activity to activity yet takes comfort in knowing the things or events to expect.

This evening she was all Wallace. Beni dropped us off at the veggie pick-up before heading out to a home party, and below is the exact list Olivia created on site as to how we’d wind down our day. (She got upset when I suggested that item 2 would be incorporated in item 3; she was adamant about keeping them distinct):

1) Pick up vegetables and place pumpkin in lap
2) Take a walk
3) Go home
4) Take a bath
5) Put on pajamas
6) Brush teeth
7) Read books
8) Go to bed

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