Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing

(Photo from Huffington Post)

We had to sign a permission slip to allow Olivia to watch President Obama’s televised speech to schoolchildren. Clearly, we are complicit in the President’s brainwashing techniques, and as you can see, his propaganda is already taking hold in the mind of our impressionable child. The horror!

Beni: "Olivia, what did President Obama say to all the schoolchildren today?"

Olivia: "Well, I didn’t understand all the words, but I understood some of them."

Beni: "What did he say?"

Olivia: "First, there were two people talking, and then President Obama came on and he said that all kindergartners should wash their hands every day."

Beni (laughing): "What else did he say?"

Olivia: "Kindergarten through eleventh grade should always wash their hands."

1 comment:

Brandon Christol said...

First brainwashing, now hand washing?

We need to wash our hands of this propaganda.