Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Matter of (Mini) Course

It was Kenny Rogers who warned that you got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, but I’d be willing to gamble a chicken restaurant that he wasn’t singing about origami or talking about holding and folding sushi rolls. But I was.

I had agreed to help out at Olivia’s school with mini courses, which are classes taught by parents or community members. My class was titled “A Trip to Japan,” in which I taught two sections of twentysome K-3rd graders the fine arts of origami and sushi roll assembly. My goal coming in was to teach the kids how to successfully fold a samurai hat and for them to sample a slice of the rice-and-seaweed roll, but I revised that on game day to making sure my course was more entertaining than the one featuring Sniffy the Sniffasaurus, the dinosaur that promotes natural-gas safety.

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