Saturday, February 06, 2010

A Snow-Win(ter) Situation

Eskimos may have a large number of words for snow – they don’t, by the way, but repeating this oft-cited “fact” will make a bunch of linguists mad at you (and they have a large number of ways of calling you an idiot) – but in our family, we’re most interested in two varieties: snowman-snow and sledding-snow. The former is wetter and denser, perfect for creating snowmen, snowwomen, and snowchildren; the latter is the light and fluffy stuff that’s ideal for sledding. After failing to get much traction in the snowfamily-creation department, we were hoping to literally fail at getting traction for some sledding fun at the local elementary school. After a couple of runs on the sled, Olivia eventually ditched it when trudging through massive snowdrifts became an option.

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