Friday, April 24, 2009

What's Mined Is Mind

Beni accuses me of being away whenever Olivia ponders life’s weightier topics. She enters the following conversation from this morning – a morning I spent on the road on business – as further evidence.

The situation: Olivia had looked out a window to see if she could locate the source of some loud buzzing. Our neighbors to the south had hired some men to do work in their backyard.

Olivia: "Mom, they’re cutting down our tree. They can’t cut down our tree."

Beni: "That’s not our tree. That’s their tree – they can do whatever they want with their tree."

Olivia: "Those two mans don’t live over at that house. (Pause.) Two mans can’t get married to each other – can they, Mom?"

Beni: "Uh, they can in some places."

Olivia: "Like where?"

Beni: "Like Vermont."

Olivia (lengthy pause): "How about in Japan?"

Beni: "I’ll have to check on that for you."

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